Bilan Carbone

CSR strategy


Interparfums Group applies a comprehensive approach in addressing the issues of corporate, environmental and social responsibility and transparency based on an assessment of its risks in these areas. This comprehensive and pragmatic strategy was developed under the framework provided by the widely-used UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

To manage the risks and opportunities at the appropriate level for these issues, the Group has identified its key issues organized around three lines of action: its responsibilities toward operational stakeholders, staff and the Company.

In response, a corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy, is being implemented by its Operational and Support Departments by involving all personnel. This policy is supported by an action plan, key indicators and objectives to ensure effective management.

Corporate governance

At the beginning of 2021, at the initiative of Executive Management, a CSR Executive Committee was created, consisting of members of the Operations & Supply Chain, Human Resources, Legal Affairs and Communications teams, tasked with formalizing the Company’s CRS strategy focusing on the following priorities:

  • Reinforce its status as a responsible employer, by notably creating a “Responsible Employer Charter” and strengthening the employee training plan;
  • Reduce its environmental footprint, notably by adopting environmentally optimized design specifications to reduce packaging and the introduction of recycled and recyclable materials for each product developed;
  • Measure its carbon footprint using the GHG protocol methodology (Scope 1, 2 and 3) with a view to initiating a low-carbon trajectory compatible with the Paris Agreements;
  • Strengthen its sustainable development approach by formalizing a code of business conduct and ethics that is enforceable against operational stakeholders.

This CSR Executive Committee meets on average once every two months, and more often if necessary. Its members regularly provide the Board of Directors with updates on Interparfums’ ESG performance.









As part of its CSR strategy, Interparfums has formalized its policies in terms of business ethics, as a responsible employer and for the development of its products in formal documents. These were validated by the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee in December 2022.

Their deployment is monitored by the departments in charge of each area.

  Business ethics Charter
  Responsible employer Charter
  Optimized eco-design Charter

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