Middlenext anti-corruption code
In line with its CSR approach, Interparfums Group(1) is committed to operating both internally and externally with integrity and responsibility.
In that spirit, the Group has adopted the Middlenext Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct, which offers a vehicle for expressing its convictions in this area and sharing them with all employees and third parties with whom it does business.
This Code of Conduct establishes guidelines to be followed by all employees, whether in France or internationally. All employees of the Group must read and adopt this Code of Conduct so as to ensure their business practices are conducted in accordance with ethical values.
Since this Code cannot anticipate every potential instance of corruption or influence peddling, each employee must exercise his or her own judgment and common sense in this respect.
We believe it is possible and indispensable to reconcile rigorous management and best practices, safety and profitability, growth and ethics.
It is important for each and every one of us to understand their responsibilities and be fully committed to applying and promoting the Group’s conduct of business principles.
Philippe Benacin
(1) Interparfums SA and its subsidiaries.